Your health is a topic that should be treated with the seriousness it deserves. Worrying as it may be, the modern fast-paced pace of living forces many of us into a so-called sedentary lifestyle. Ultimately, all of these long hours spent sitting in an uncomfortable position may result in back pain, particularly if this is a habit that has persisted over a span of years.
To address the issue or at least have the symptoms subside, many have started paying attention to the area where they spend a lot of time - their home office. In particular, both the desk and the chair. In that spirit, you may wonder: how to pick the best chair for lower back pain at home and what are the factors that you should pay extra attention to?
Whether you happen to be sitting down to watch a TV show, catch up on work, or dive deep into your studies, it’s your responsibility to look after your health, and it all starts with picking the right chair for the occasion. So if you care about your back and want to show it some love, keep on reading!
Why you should care about choosing the best chair for lower back pain
The health of your lower back is not only a matter of how you feel, but it also has a tremendous effect on your posture. The issue with spending a prolonged time sitting on a chair that’s not suitable for your body type is that you’re subjecting yourself to muscle strain that could lead to various sorts of aches and pains. And the tragic thing is that all of these health issues could have been avoided by picking a more ergonomic seating alternative.

What falls under the umbrella of ergonomic seating?
Before we dive into discussing the ergonomics of these better alternatives, let’s start by defining what it actually means. In essence, the term refers to the kind of chairs that are designed to match the contours of your body.

Typically, these come with functions that let you adjust your chair to meet your needs. Even the chairs without such functions tend to be designed to match the curvature of your spine and provide additional support, all of which is essential for maintaining good posture and reducing the risk of developing chronic back pain that often surfaces as a direct result of poor sitting posture.
Features to look for when choosing the best chair for lower back pain at home
When choosing the best chair for your home office that’s designed to help you alleviate some of the lower back pain, give priority to the following features:
1. Lumbar support
When in a sedentary position, a lot of pressure is exerted on your spine. Therefore, you need the kind of chair that offers proper lumbar support and is aligned with the natural curvature of your spine.
Furthermore, it’s good that they offer some form of vertical adjustability so you’re not forced into a position that feels unnatural. Proper cushioning also goes a long way as far as your spine is concerned - ideally, you’re looking for support that covers the entirety of it, from upper to lower areas. This curved design will also prevent you from slouching and help you maintain the natural ‘S’ shape of your spine.
2. Seat Height, Width, and Depth (+ Adjustability)
When choosing the best chair for lower back pain at home, it’s important to aim for proper dimensions that align with your body. This will help keep your legs and feet in a proper position.
How to measure this, you ask? There’s a quick and easy trick that doesn’t involve you having to pull out any complex measuring instruments, and that is simply by looking at your knees. If they’re at a 90-degree angle, that’s the sweet spot. Also, your feet must be touching the floor. You’ll know if your chair is too deep - if that’s the case, your back will feel arched up.
Ideally, your hands should be parallel with the desk (once again, this is incredibly easy to measure and doesn’t require any special tools, instruments or complex measurements). Keep in mind that everyone’s different and there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all when it comes to chairs. It’s also one of the reasons why having the option to adjust your chair goes a long way, at least if the health of your spine is any dear to you.

Pro tip: LiftSync Classic is a desk with adjustable height mechanisms, meaning it’s bound to go along with any chair. You can use it either as a traditional or standing desk. It’s made of durable materials and assembly is super easy even if you’re not a DIY expert. Dimensions: 48 x 24 OR 55 x 24.
3. Fabrics and padding
The material that touches your body is a factor that plays a massive role in how comfortable you’re going to feel. Breathability is a massive concern, particularly during summer and in regions where the climate tends to be hot. Simply put, you need the kind of fabric that allows the heat to pass through. In terms of firmness, the padding should not be too firm and yet not too soft at the same time (the middle ground should be ideal).
If you’re looking for a recommendation, memory foam tends to perform quite well in this regard. Some people also like mesh seat bottoms but know that these may not be as comfortable in comparison.
As for the exact measurements, your backrest can be anywhere from 12 to 19 inches wide (bonus points if it’s adjustable). In general, fabrics and padding are in the domain of subjectivity, so just pick something that feels comfortable. Just make sure that whatever you end up picking stays comfortable even during the longer periods of sitting.
4. Armrests
Armrests may or not be a dealbreaker for you, but if you’re the kind of person who prefers having them, look for a nice 90-degree angle fit. Modern gaming chairs and office chairs tend to have adjustable armrests, so look for that feature if you can find it.
With armrests, the goal is to have your shoulders rest in a comfortable position, which should further contribute to your overall comfort and relieve the stress on your back. Try out the configuration by placing a keyboard on the table or just pretending to be typing - as you do, the armrests should not get in the way.
5. Mobility and tilt
If you opt for a chair with wheels, this should contribute to more comfort. In other words, you likely won’t have to twist your body in an awkward shape to find the right spot. In turn, your back won’t be under as much strain. If the chair has a tilt mechanism, it’s another thing that contributes to less stress on your back, particularly during longer periods of sitting.
6. Neck support
When hunting for the best chair for lower back pain at home, don’t forget about your neck as well, as it all contributes to your overall level of comfort. Ideally, you should aim for a chair with a padded, high back, as this will help you keep your head in a natural position and reduce the strain on your neck. It’s a feel-based test; simply sit down and see if your neck and shoulders are feeling relaxed. As you’re sitting, your eyesight should be straight.
7. Hip support
Without making this seem too scientific or needlessly complicated, it’s safe to say that the chair you end up choosing should offer hip support because it’s another thing that reduces the strain on your lower back. However, it’s not a dealbreaker - simply fitting a cushion between your hips and the seat could potentially resolve this problem if you run into it. The idea is for you to feel balanced when you’re sitting.
Types of chairs that are best suited for back pain relief
When trying to determine the best chair for lower back pain at home, it’s also crucial to discuss the topic from the angle of the types of chairs that are available. These tend to fall within the following categories:
Office chairs. These chairs are known for their ergonomic qualities. After all, office work usually requires long hours of sitting down, so it only makes sense for them to come with additional levels of lumbar support.
Recliners. As the name itself suggests, flexibility is their middle name, and they are known to provide some relief from back pain. Look for a model that allows you to elevate your legs if you also want to improve your blood circulation.
Accent chairs. If style and appearance are something you’re concerned with, you’ll find this type of chair quite pleasing. But make no mistake; they also tend to offer adequate support for your back. Give preference to the models with ample padding on them for additional comfort.
Gaming chairs. Despite what the name might suggest, these types of chairs are also suitable for other activities such as watching movies. Not only are they stylish unlike anything else but, they are also strong in the comfort department. Plus, they have armrests, adjustable height, and plenty of lumbar support.
How to evaluate a chair before buying
Although you could technically order a chair online with relative ease nowadays, we recommend testing it out in person if at all possible. To make sure you get the best chair for lower back pain at home, it’s a good idea to give it not just some, but thorough testing - a few seconds is, unfortunately, not going to cut it. As you perform these tests, keep the following in mind:
Try to sit for at least a minute or more. This should give you a good idea what you can expect and whether the chair is likely to be suitable for prolonged sitting sessions. Focus on the shape and position of your lower back - does it feel natural and comfortable?
Play around with the chair’s settings for a bit. Can the armrests and the height be adjusted? Don’t take such features for granted - a chair may or may not have them. Try to set the chair up as though it’s already yours. Does it align with the contours of your body?
Move around while sitting. This way, you’ll get to test out the chair’s mobility and flexibility. Note how it feels - are you encountering any difficulties while moving around? Keep in mind that mobility and flexibility tend to provide relief from prolonged sitting sessions.
Evaluate whether the padding feels comfortable against your body. Note that individuals of different body weights might prefer different materials. To make a judgment call, simply ask yourself if it’s not too tight or too soft (you’re looking for a middle ground).
Test the chair’s stability. As you’re sitting on it, does it give you a feeling of stability and security? If you’re looking for something that’s going to serve you well even into the future, no wobbliness is allowed.
Care and maintenance tips
As a final nugget of wisdom, when picking the best chair for lower back pain at home, consider how easy it’s going to be to clean, maintain, and simply keep in good shape. Also consider:
The manufacturer’s dusting guidelines. Be prepared that your chair is going to require thorough vacuuming from time to time (or wiping if it has a leather-like surface).
Making regular adjustments. The goal is to make sure the chair stays comfortable years down the road. This means that, after a while, its height, armrests, and lumbar support may require some adjustments.
Checking regularly for signs of wear and tear. Notice any cracks? Is the stitching still in good shape? Make repairs as needed.
Take all the time that’s needed to pick the best chair for lower back pain at home - after all, it’s going to stay with you for several years, so it’s better to invest something more upfront and end up with something that’s going to fit your standards. Keep in mind you’re making an investment into your productivity and health.
The right kind of chair for you will offer plenty of support for your spine and promote a healthy posture. At the same time, it will be made of materials that feel like a dream to sit on without feeling too tight or too loose. So the next time you’re out shopping, take our tips as loose guidelines and make sure to give the chair a thorough test before you pull the trigger and make a buying decision.